Lunchbox Lion Appraisals

Category: Updates

In order to resell or voucher your Lunchbox Lion for monetary value (with adopts, more than their original price paid) you MUST get an official appraisal. Submit with the forms in the description.


In order to resell or voucher your Lunchbox Lion for monetary value (with adopts, more than their original price paid) you MUST get an official appraisal.

Appraisals are to protect you as a buyer!
Please take note that ignoring appraisal rules purchasing unappraised Lunchbox Lions does not allow you to resell at the Lunchbox Lion's unappraised price. We will not adjust the sale value to let you scam someone else just because our rules were ignored.

Appraisals are necessary to keep track of the monetary value of your Lunchbox Lion and you wish to take any kind of money-related offers on your Lunchbox Lion.

  • Without appraisal, Lunchbox Lion adopts obtained through purchase may be resold for no more than the amount paid for them.
  • When reselling, you cannot take full resale of the Lunchbox Lion's listed sale value with additional add-ons. When taking add-ons, a reasonable amount should be knocked off the appraisal price.
  • Please do not purchase a Lunchbox Lion without checking if the Lunchbox Lion has been appraised to the sale value. Do not purchase if the owner is charging over their listed sale value.
  • Trading your Lunchbox Lion will not void the sale value. As long as the Lunchbox Lion is marked as being able to be sold, then it can be sold for up to the sale value.

  • Masterlist images will not be considered for appraisal.
  • Commissioned art may be added to your Lunchlion's sale value, but only for the amount you have personally invested.
  • Personal art may be added to your Lunchlion's sale value, but only in accordance with previous commissions you've taken and/or what you have priced your art at.
  • Gifts, requests, things you traded to obtain the Lunchbox Lion, or art purchased by others that have not been appraised do not increase the value.


If you are caught breaking the TOS and specifically these rules, you may be subject to any of the following punishments:

  • Blacklisting/Bans
  • Voiding of your Lunchbox Lion(s)
  • If you have any further questions, please contact staff or the Discord. Thank you!



Fill this form out for each piece of artwork adding to the Lunchbox Lion's monetary value. Put the Lunchbox Lion's character code in the "Characters" section.

Price: (in USD and GBP)
Image Link:

When appraising for multiple pieces of work in one submission, put a total at the bottom.

Total: (in USD and GBP)



For images, using or Google Drive is recommended!


  • A screenshot of payment proof to the commissioner OR invoice links
  • Image of context regarding the commission, it can be either/both:
    • Conversation regarding the commission 
    • Artist's prices listed 

Personal Art:

  • Proof of prior commissions is recommended but not required, following the same requirements in the commission proof above.
  • If you have not sold prior commissions of the art type in question, these alternatives work:
    • Price sheet pertaining to your art 
    • Proof of similar works
      • (i.e. you sold a sketch headshot for $20 before, and made a painted headshot you are appraising at $35)

Submissions to this prompt are hidden.


No rewards.